a+i engineering stands for analysis and integration: Analytical and systematic procedures in the development of highly integrative complex system solutions. Thanks to many years of experience in highly demanding projects in the aerospace, energy and automotive industries and our rigorous quality standards, we enjoy the trust of our customers.

Our Experience - References and Partners
- 2011 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. Und Co. KG. selects a+i as „Preferred Supplier Control Systems Engineering“
- Control system design for engines BR725, BR710, BR715. Pearl 15, Pearl 700: Development of control functions (e.g. aircraft communication, parameter validation, control and monitoring of engine start, thrust reverser), requirements management, design evaluation, SysML modelling, Simulink model of all control capabilities, sensors and actuators.
- Modelling and simulation (BR725, TP400, newer): Integrated engine models, engine to aircraft interface auto-generation, fuel and hydraulic system modelling, control system modelling, engine design trade studies, performance and operability studies
- System tests and software verification for several engines, including civil large engines
- Component development, supplier management, test- and certification monitoring
- Support in engine development programm
- Tools for monitoring and management of concessions, import and export of product data, automated generation of reports and data reports, product data analysis, design statistics, progress monitoring, synchronization of design data between processes and tools
- Integrated engine simulation
- Virtualization of rig tests
- Real-time simulation
- Simulation tools
- Control system design tools
- System studies for unmanned aerial vehicles
- Investigation of flight performance, stability and controllability
- Comparative analysis and aerodynamic preliminary design
- Development of flight simulation for offline studies and flight controller development
- Mission simulation
- System modelling (Matlab/Simulink)
- Development of software tools for simulation pre- and post-processing
- Development of optimization and evaluation tools for design data
- Tools for vehicle dynamics simulation, maintenance of vehicle dynamics models, integration of sub-models
- IP protection in models, black-box coding of model components, automated sub-model export
- Model- and parameter databases, automated model and simulation configuration, automated parametrization, parameter testing and monitoring
- Kite system modelling (whole system including actuators, sensors, wings, ropes)
- Development of control functions
- Mechanical and aerodynamic analysis and design
- Development of simulation model (simulation and modelling)
- Development and implementation of control software
- Development of software test environment
- Definition and introduction of procedures for system and software development
- Development of the requirement engineering plan
- Support in introduction and process definition for requirements management
- Training in writing and managing requirements and design documentation
- Software modularization / IP protection
- Improvement of tools and GUI development
- Refactoring of tools for deploy on stand-alone workstations
- Fiber optic connector mechanical modelling
- Development of GUIs for simulations configuration
- Development of GUIs to visualize simulation results
- Automated report generation from simulation results